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Xажуугийн самбар харуулах
Харуулах 15 22 44 Бүгд

    Prisma Аксесуарын өлгүүр/тавиур

    129,900 ₮
    With Prisma Jewelry Stand metal wire with a modern matte brass finish has been shaped into a narrow pyramid shape and has spokes on the top, intended to hang jewelry...

    Prisma Aксесуарын тавиур

    89,900 ₮
    Prisma Jewelry Tray is a stylish, ultra-modern spin on a traditional jewelry tray, displaying contents from all angles, through its open sides. Prisma’s matte brass-plated geometric wiring and sand-colored linen...

    Valerina Аксесуарын органайзер

    145,900 ₮
    This high-capacity storage unit holds 200-plus items and includes ten necklace or bracelet bars, four rows of earring storage and a removable/adjustable tray. 41.9 x 14.9 x 124.5 cm

    Stowit Аксесуарын органайзер/хайрцаг

    329,900 ₮
    Xар хүрэн
    Multiple hidden compartments of various sizes allow you to store your rings, earrings, bracelets, watches, necklaces and other accessories in different configurations depending on what works best for you. Each...

    Манай цахим мэдээнд бүртгүүлээрэй!

    Шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн, сонирхолтой DIY хичээлүүд, хямдралыг та хамгийн эхэнд мэдэх болно!

    Манай цахим хуудасны Нууцлалын баталгаа-ны дагуу ашиглагдах болно

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