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Xажуугийн самбар харуулах
Харуулах 15 22 44 Бүгд

    SqueezePunch - Зүрх нүхлэгч

    52,900 ₮
    Designed with crafters input and is a revolutionary punch with two squeeze handles. We flipped it over, so you don't have to. With this unique design you can see exactly...

    SqueezePunch - Дугуй нүхлэгч (том)

    67,900 ₮
    Designed with crafters input and is a revolutionary punch with two squeeze handles. We flipped it over, so you don't have to. With this unique design you can see exactly...

    SqueezePunch - Дугуй нүхлэгч (дунд)

    52,900 ₮
    Designed with crafters input and is a revolutionary punch with two squeeze handles. We flipped it over, so you don't have to. With this unique design you can see exactly...

    SqueezePunch - Давалгаат дугуй нүхлэгч

    67,900 ₮
    Designed with crafters input and is a revolutionary punch with two squeeze handles. We flipped it over, so you don't have to. With this unique design you can see exactly...

    Softouch Хайч (26см)

    133,900 ₮
    Spring action and Softouch® cushioned handles make cutting easier and more comfortable. For long (sewing & office) cutting needs - long blade for a long smooth cutting action. Ideal for...

    ShapeCutter мат (23x30см/A4)

    34,900 ₮
    Suitable for use with the ShapeCutter™ Plus as well as with craft knives. Self healing on front. Alignment grid to help positioning material.

    Sewsharp Хайч ирлэгч

    14,900 ₮
    To restore scissors to a precise cutting edge. The ceramic rod restores the cutting and precision of scissors. Works with both left- and right-handed scissors.

    Paper Edgers Мажестик хайч

    12,900 ₮
    Decorative edged scissors in stainless steel to create borders and laces. Multiple creations: possible by flipping scissors and folding materials to cut. Cut various materials, such as paper, cardboard, foam,...

    Paper Edgers ЗигЗаг хайч

    12,900 ₮
    Decorative edged scissors in stainless steel to create borders and laces. Multiple creations: possible by flipping scissors and folding materials to cut. Cut various materials, such as paper, cardboard, foam,...

    Paper Edgers Давалгаа хайч

    12,900 ₮
    Decorative edged scissors in stainless steel to create borders and laces. Multiple creations: possible by flipping scissors and folding materials to cut. Cut various materials, such as paper, cardboard, foam,...

    Paper Edgers Викториан хайч

    12,900 ₮
    Decorative edged scissors in stainless steel to create borders and laces. Multiple creations: possible by flipping scissors and folding materials to cut. Cut various materials, such as paper, cardboard, foam,...

    LeverPunch - Цэцэг хайчлагч

    12,900 ₮
    • Great for your crafting and school projects.• Built-in confetti catcher will store all punchouts until ready for use.• 8 fun shapes are available to enable you to design your...

    LeverPunch - Цас хайчлагч

    12,900 ₮
    • Great for your crafting and school projects. • Built-in confetti catcher will store all punchouts until ready for use. • 8 fun shapes are available to enable you to design your...

    LeverPunch - Зүрх хайчлагч

    17,900 ₮
    • Great for your crafting and school projects. • Built-in confetti catcher will store all punchouts until ready for use. • 8 fun shapes are available to enable you to design your...

    LeverPunch - Эрвээхэй хайчлагч

    17,900 ₮
    • Great for your crafting and school projects. • Built-in confetti catcher will store all punchouts until ready for use. • 8 fun shapes are available to enable you to design your...

    Манай цахим мэдээнд бүртгүүлээрэй!

    Шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн, сонирхолтой DIY хичээлүүд, хямдралыг та хамгийн эхэнд мэдэх болно!

    Манай цахим хуудасны Нууцлалын баталгаа-ны дагуу ашиглагдах болно

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