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  • Бараа бүтээгдэхүүн


Xажуугийн самбар харуулах
Харуулах 15 22 44 Бүгд

    Fiskars Basic Хутганы цуглуулга, хуванцар 5ш

    449,900 ₮
     Fiskars Functional Form™ цуврал нь практик, хялбар байдлыг эрхэмлэдэг гэрийн тогоочийн хэрэгцээнд зориулан бүтээгдсэн. Энэхүү хутганы цуглуулга нь хутгыг босоо байрлалд загварлаг, тохиромжтой хадгалах зориулалттай. Хутганы цуглуулгыг гал тогооны тавцан...

    Norden Тогоочийн хутга, том 20см Premium

    405,900 ₮
    Sturdy, durable blade High-performing German steel Handle from Finnish heat treated birchwood Blade hardness HRC 56 Hand washing recommended

    Norden Махны хутга 20см Premium

    410,900 ₮
    Straight, long blade with fine cutting edge ideal for carving roasts High-performing German steel Handle from Finnish heat treated birchwood Blade hardness HRC 56 Hand washing recommended Made in Finland...

    Norden Тогоочийн хутга, жижиг 13см Premium

    303,900 ₮
    Handy small sized all-around knife High-performing German steel Handle from Finnish heat treated birchwood Blade hardness HRC 56 Hand washing recommended Made in Finland

    Тогоочийн япон хутга (17см)

    159,900 ₮
    This Asian style knife has a broad blade that makes it a good all-round knife for preparing meat, fish and also vegetables. 17 cm 104 g Stainless steel Hardness: HRC...

    Тогоочийн хутга (20см/том)

    159,900 ₮
    This large knife has a broad, strong blade, which makes it a great all-round knife for cutting meat, chopping vegetables and mincing herbs. 20 cm 98 g Stainless steel Hardness:...

    Titanium Хэрчигч хутга, жижиг 10см Premium

    230,900 ₮
    Titanium blade for extreme lightness, performance & control Revolutionary LZR-EDGE™ technology keeps the edge sharp 4 times longer than standard knives Ultimate corrosion resistance Ergonomic, three dimensionally patterned handle for...

    Titanium Тогоочийн хутга, том 20см Premium

    355,900 ₮
    Titanium blade for extreme lightness, performance & control Revolutionary LZR-EDGE™ technology keeps the edge sharp 4 times longer than standard knives Ultimate corrosion resistance Ergonomic, three dimensionally patterned handle for...

    Titanium Тогоочийн хутга, жижиг 16см Premium

    345,900 ₮
    Titanium blade for extreme lightness, performance & control Revolutionary LZR-EDGE™ technology keeps the edge sharp 4 times longer than standard knives Ultimate corrosion resistance Ergonomic, three dimensionally patterned handle for...

    Titanium Сантоку хутга 16см Premium

    355,900 ₮
    Titanium blade for extreme lightness, performance & control Revolutionary LZR-EDGE™ technology keeps the edge sharp 4 times longer than standard knives Ultimate corrosion resistance Ergonomic, three dimensionally patterned handle for...

    Royal Тогоочын хутга 21см Premium

    244,900 ₮
    Royal knives guarantee the best possible cutting performance. Award winning design with barrel grinded blade. Large and general purpose Royal Cook’s knife has a strong blade. It is ideal for...

    Royal Тогоочын хутга 15см Premium

    202,900 ₮
    Comfortable and safe to hold thanks to ergonomically shaped handle (length: 15 cm) made of high-quality synthetic material

    Royal Сантоку япон хутга 17см Premium

    244,900 ₮
    Royal knives guarantee the best possible cutting performance. Award winning design with barrel grinded blade.  Asian Royal Santoku knife has a broad blade that makes it a good general knife...

    Манай цахим мэдээнд бүртгүүлээрэй!

    Шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн, сонирхолтой DIY хичээлүүд, хямдралыг та хамгийн эхэнд мэдэх болно!

    Манай цахим хуудасны Нууцлалын баталгаа-ны дагуу ашиглагдах болно

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