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Xажуугийн самбар харуулах
Харуулах 15 22 44 Бүгд

    Slim Compact Савангийн тавиур

    45,900 ₮
    Unique, sloping design saves space Holds a full-size soap bar in less space Clever angled base allows soap to drain Dismantles for easy cleaning Ventilated for quick drying

    EasyStore Шүдний сойзны сав

    79,900 ₮
    These toothbrush caddies have different sections for organising a variety of oral care items such as manual or electric toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes. Versatile storage Ideal for electric or battery...

    EasyStore Steel Шүдний сойзны сав

    89,900 ₮
    These compact toothbrush caddies are divided into different sections to provide organised storage for a variety of oral care items, such as manual or electric toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes. Suitable...

    Манай цахим мэдээнд бүртгүүлээрэй!

    Шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн, сонирхолтой DIY хичээлүүд, хямдралыг та хамгийн эхэнд мэдэх болно!

    Манай цахим хуудасны Нууцлалын баталгаа-ны дагуу ашиглагдах болно

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