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Xажуугийн самбар харуулах
Харуулах 15 22 44 Бүгд

    Osmo Шүршдэг хатуу лавтай тос 2.5л

    649,900 ₮
    Тунгалаг, матт (3084) Sprayable application Suitable for wetrooms Anti-slip version available (3009) Extremely tough and hardwearing Very water and dirt resistant Saliva-resistant and sweatproof, suitable for children’s toys Microporous, breathable...

    Osmo Модны лав

    40,900 ₮
    3103 Царс цайвар
    3123 Нарс
    3164 Царс
    3166 Хушга
    3168 Царс насажсан
    3111 Тунгалаг цагаан
    3161 Эбони бор
    Suitable for all interior use Wood grain remains visible with transparent tones and wood grain can be hidden with intensive tones Very durable and hardwearing Water and dirt resistant Resistant...

    Osmo Polyx Original хатуу лавтай тос

    40,900 ₮
    3011 Тунгалаг/гялгар
    3032 Тунгалаг/торгон
    3062 Тунгалаг/матт
    3040 Цагаан
    3041 Тунгалаг натурал
    3067 Цайвар саарал
    3074 Графит саарал
    3073 Терра бор
    Extremely durable and hardwearing Very water and dirt resistant Enhances the wood’s natural character Resistant to common liquid spillages such as water, juice, tea, cola and wine Saliva-resistant and sweatproof,...

    Osmo Polyx Original (хурдан хатдаг) хатуу лавтай тос

    40,900 ₮
    A professional, quick drying formulation of the popular Osmo Polyx Oil Extremely water-repellent and durable Excellent chemical and abrasive resistance Easy to apply and maintain Based on a blend of...

    Osmo Өнгөт модны лав

    119,900 ₮
    3104 Улаан (RAL3000)
    3105 Шар (RAL1021)
    3125 Цэнхэр (RAL5010)
    3131 Ногоон (RAL6029)
    3132 Шаргал саарал
    Suitable for all interior use Wood grain remains visible with transparent tones and wood grain can be hidden with intensive tones Very durable and hardwearing Water and dirt resistant Resistant...

    SuperPad Тос түрхэгч сэт

    145,900 ₮
    OPTIMALLY EQUIPPED For the simple and optimal application of all oil finishes on smooth subsurfaces. 1 Hand Pad Holder 85 x 135 mm, incl. hook and loop fastener 2 Oil...

    Тос, цавуу, будаг цэвэрлэгч нойтон салфетка

    16,900 ₮
    EASILY REMOVE A VARIETY OF SUBSTANCES FROM YOUR HANDS Damp cleansing hand wipes Effectively removes wax, oil, ink, tar, glue, bitumen and more Each pack contains approximately 15 hand wipes...

    Модны тос, лакны багс

    20,900 ₮
    Suitable for the application of Osmo Hardwax Oils. Ideal for DIY and professional use. A high quality soft tip brush for the application of wood oils Ideal for both professional...

    Шал, тавцангийн багс, бариултай

    85,900 ₮
    Suitable for professional and experienced users can attach the Osmo System Telescopic Handle to the swivel joint on the Pad Holder for application, cleaning and maintenance of wooden flooring and...

    SuperPad Тос түрхэгч зүлгүүр 95х155мм

    9,900 ₮
    For rubbing oils/finishes into the wood surface during initial application or for re-applying oils as well as massaging in pigmented primers and oil stains.

    Тос түрхэгч бариул 85х135мм

    39,900 ₮
    Suitable for professional and experienced users for the application, cleaning and maintenance of wooden worktops, dining furniture and corners/edges of wood flooring. User-friendly and easy to use White, red and...

    Шингэлэгч, багс цэвэрлэгч

    45,900 ₮
    A BENZENE-FREE, LOW ODOUR, BRUSH CLEANER AND THINNER A premium quality, Benzene-free, low odour brush cleaner and thinner Effective at cleaning solvent-based products from brushes and rollers Helps promote longevity...

    Манай цахим мэдээнд бүртгүүлээрэй!

    Шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн, сонирхолтой DIY хичээлүүд, хямдралыг та хамгийн эхэнд мэдэх болно!

    Манай цахим хуудасны Нууцлалын баталгаа-ны дагуу ашиглагдах болно

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