Prisma Jewelry Tray is a stylish, ultra-modern spin on a traditional jewelry tray, displaying contents from all angles, through its open sides. Prisma’s matte brass-plated geometric wiring and sand-colored linen surface prevent jewels from getting damaged, and create a sleek, functional addition to any space. Measuring at 28 x 18.4 x 3.8 cm, Prisma is compact and can be easily placed on any tabletop surface, like a dresser or vanity.
Өмнөх бүтээгдэхүүн
Бүтээгдэхүүн рүү буцах
Бүтээгдэхүүн рүү буцах
Prisma Зургийн жааз
71,910 ₮ – 143,910 ₮
Дараагийн бүтээгдэхүүн
Tesora Аксесуарын өлгүүр/тавиур
99,900 ₮ 89,910 ₮
Prisma Aксесуарын тавиур
Prisma Jewelry Tray is a stylish, ultra-modern spin on a traditional jewelry tray, displaying contents from all angles, through its open sides. Prisma’s matte brass-plated geometric wiring and sand-colored linen...
Барааны дугаар 299481-221
Aксесуарын тавиур,for her,Umbra,UMBRA Lunar new year sale 10%,Гэр ахуй